Thursday, 8 March 2012


A zoetrope is a device which makes images seem to move so its similar to an old school cinema. it is made of plastic and is in the shape of a cylinder which has vertical cuts down the sides. Zoetrope is down to our persistence of vision, so when we see a light flash every tenth of a second or less we see it as continues. and because of the persistence we cannot tell the difference between when one flash ends and one begins. So you can see the moving images through the zoetrope because of the consistent slots which are on the cylinder on the zoetrope they simulate flashes of light creating a strobe like effect.

The zoetrope is very easy to use and manoover, so it is easy quick and simple to make a small reasonable animation. it is also a simple device which can be used by people of all ages. They can also be fun to people because it is a simple animation device which creates the illusion of movements. it is a circular narrative it continues to revolve and go round and round.

But a weakness for it would be that it is not very long the images and animation shown are limited so you would get bored of seeing the same moving image over and over again. limited by the physicality from the viewing device. If u view the zoetrope through the top instead of through the strips the images will be blurry and wont make sense cause you will lose the illusion.

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